
This blog may be offensive to some , but these are my opinions. I hope they are enlightening.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Did You Know? - Presidents

                                                        Certain Certitude #1  

       Welcome to my first Certain Certitude! I will post one of these every Wednesday. They will be very random, but interesting! Today I'm going to give you some presidential facts:

     Ronald Reagan- Did you know? Blueberry Jelly Bellies were created especially for Ronald Reagan. They were developed for President Reagan's inauguration so the colors would be red, white, and blue beans to match the occasion. Also, Reagan was ambidextrous, but it is rumored that he was left hand dominant and forced by his parents and teachers to switch. Here are some quotes from our 40th president:
"It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"
"I hope you're all Republicans." -speaking to surgeons as he entered the operating room following a 1981 assassination attempt
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."

 Franklin D. Roosevelt- Did you know? Not only were FDR and Winston Churchill great friends, they were related, if only distantly. Through his mother's side, FDR was Churchill's seventh cousin, once removed. Also,  FDR was an avid stamp collector, or philatelist. He pursued this hobby throughout his tenure in office, even while dealing with the country's crises. Here are some citations from our 32nd president:
   "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
   "It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want."
       "It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something."

     Warren G. Harding- Did you know? Harding once lost all the White House china gambling, on one hand of cards. Also, He was the first president to ride to his inauguration in an  automobile. Here are some passages from our 29th president:
       "I don't know much about Americanism, but it's a damn good word with which to carry an election."
"It is my conviction that the fundamental trouble with the people of the United States is that they have gotten too far away from Almighty God."
  "Let the black man vote when he is fit to vote, prohibit the white man voting when he is unfit to vote."

     Hopefully these facts were enlightening!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A New Beginning!

Well! It's been awhile hasn't it? For new or old readers, here is something to be excited about: my blog is getting ugraded and updated. Yup! You heard it here folks, Above Jewels is changing. I have a good friend who's blog I've been following. We came up with the idea to write an article on the introvert/extrovert subject. We decided to post them to her blog, but I realized my poor little blog had been neglected for nearly a year. So! I will be posting again! Happy? I hope so! Here's how the new version of Above Jewels is going to work: I will post a fact filled and God glorifying article every Saturday (unless something comes up), a video of me playing the violin on the first Monday of every month, and a fun fact on Wednesdays to keep you informed. My aim is to polish my writing skills in a God pleasing way that also entertains others and teaches the public. So stay posted for the first fun fact on 8/29, my article, "The Folly of Being an Extrovert" on 9/1, and the first Musical Monday of the Month on 9/3. God Bless, Sarah M.
Links to my friend Anna's blogs: http://www.annaisawestruck.wordpress.com http://www.thepickledbanana.wordpress.com