
This blog may be offensive to some , but these are my opinions. I hope they are enlightening.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All Things Must Come to an End

     I have enjoyed blogging over the past couple of years, but I really do not have the passion for it that I used to. I have decided to end my blogging career for a couple of reasons:

1. I like to do everything to the best of my abilities.

-Because I am very busy during the school year with school, skiing, snowboarding, music, and keeping the house going I have not been able to devote all my energy into blogging. I feel like this blog is a poor example of my writing abilities because I make all my posts in last minute circumstances.

2. My desire to blog has withered away.

-I used to enjoy writing for this blog, but now I dread post days. I hate writing when forced and I truly do not see why I should make myself do something when I don't need to do it.

3. I don't have 1,000,000 followers.

If more then 10 people actually read my blog, I would keep going for their sakes. Seeing as I don't have a huge fan base, I don't think I'll really be disappointing anyone.

I hope you enjoyed my posts in the past and I will keep my blog on the web for the occasional passerby, but my writing time has come to an end.